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Posted On 10/04/2022 in Crops
International Year of Millets
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared the year 2023 as the International Year of Millets. India sponsored this resolution and it has since then been supported by more than 70 countries. Who knew that the tiny millets can make such a phenomenal change in the way the world eats and becomes healthier.
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Posted On 05/01/2022 in Crops
What Does India Grow - Major Crops
The story of Indian agriculture finds mention even in Vedic texts. India has witnessed phenomenal changes since then in the way it grows crops. Today, India ranks among the top few countries in various aspects related to agriculture.
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Posted On 03/08/2021 in Crops
Genetically Modified Crops
Modifying something that exists naturally has been made possible mainly due to advancements in science and technology. The agriculture sector has seen such ‘tweaking’ come to the fore by way of genetically modified crops or GM crops.
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Posted On 28/07/2021 in Crops
Multicropping - What is it and Does it Help Indian Agriculture?
Typically, only one crop is grown on one piece of land during one growing season. As the term denotes, multicropping is the opposite of this system. Multicropping is a system which encourages farmers to grow two or maybe more crops on the same piece of land and during the same growing season.
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