Texmo Industries Est. 1956

Mechanics Meet, Yaazhini Pumps & Spares, Trichy

Our dealers and Sales Office teams conduct mechanic meets all over the country.

Very recently, Taro Pumps dealer Yaazhini Pumps & Spares, conducted a wonderful meet in Pattukkottai for mechanics. Our Trichy Sales Office provided support and imparted lots of useful information to the one-hundred-and-thirty mechanics who attended the meet that lasted for three hours.

Taro Pumps manager conducting mechanics meet

Amongst other things, the participants came to know more about the importance of choosing genuine pump accessories from Taro Pumps, dependability of Taro pumps, TCT programme, the dealer, and product range. Raja, one of the participating mechanics with seven years work experience, appreciated the casting quality of Taro Pumps and the availability of spares. And one thing almost all participants mentioned was the confidence they have in recommending Taro Pumps to customers. Thank you all participants, you made our day!